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Victimization and Hatred Against Journalist Fraternity in Hazara.

Written By Umair Ali Sarwar on Saturday, March 31, 2012 | Saturday, March 31, 2012

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From: AMC Abbottabad <amcvoice@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 30 March 2012, 21:18
Subject: victimization and hatred against journalist fraternity in Hazara.

Dear Journalists
It is to bring to your notice that the ANP led provincial government,
a self proclaimed protagonist of democracy, non-violence and freedom
of press, has been pursuing the politics of victimization and hatred
against journalist fraternity in Hazara.
Scared of ever intensifying movement for Hazara province, when the KPK
government failed to stop local media from representing the opinion of
hoi polloi, it chose to employ coercive methods against Hazara based
newspapers and the newsmen. The provincial government also used
temptation tools offering incentives to some selected journalists only
with malafide intention of pitting them against each other and
spoiling the peaceful atmosphere of relatively tranquil region of
ANP's hattered aginst Hazara based media can better be judged from two
years record of official advertisements released to different
newspapers of KPK through information department. And one can easily
draw inference that how "judiciously" ads are distributed among
newspapers depriving Hazara based dailies of their legal right.
Daily Hazara News Mansehra and Daily Nada I Khalq Haripur are the two
newspapers that remained the target of victimization during the last
two years and suffered a lot at the hands of leadership of a party
that claim to be the follower of Bacha Khan's ideology of non-violence
and equal rights.
This was not end to the politics of vendetta that the ANP has been
pursuing against newspapers and media persons of Hazara, but the in
response to a story based on a news conference the senior minister KPK
Bashir Ahmed Bilor submitted privilege motion against Daily Hazara
News and the privilege committee headed by Deputy Speaker KPK assembly
summoned its Editor in Chief Mr Ahmed Nawaz Jadoon on March 21, 2012.
While the fact of the matter is that Hazara News, some other local and
regional news papers carried a news item based on the press conference
of district president PPP Mansehra, Malik Sohrab Advocate who accused
Mr Bilor of siphoning funds to the tune of millions from the district
development fund to the projects of his blue eyed persons.
But only this newspaper was singled out and privilege motion filed
against its administration because of the reason it was courageously
representing the public opnion.
Likewise Dr Chan Mubarak Hazarvi, Editor in Chief Daily Nada I Khalq
Haripur was also implicated in a bogus criminal case for supporting
the cause of majority.
In its pursuit of bulldozing majority's demand of Hazara province, the
ANP's government has gone to the extent that it has started driving
wedge between the media persons and the journalists in Abbottabad,
Haripur and Battagram have reached to an eyeball to eyeball
confrontation during the last few months.
The newsmen who are not in the good book of ANP are disallowed to even
discharge their professional duties and the incident of March 24, 2012
in Abbottabad is a case in point of conspiracy theory of ANP that has
literally cultivated discord and hatred among the colleagues.
Heavy contingents of police were deployed at the main entrance of
Abbottabad press club and the journalist who are opposed to the
undemocratic and anti journalists' steps of provincial government were
barred from the coverage of Bashir Bilor's vist to press club.
The police also used force against the newsmen who later staged
protest against the administration. Naseer Khan Jadoon a bureau chief
of a local newspaper is also among the newsmen who were chargd in the
FIR for protesting the ban on the entry of newsman.
We the believers of constitutional right of freedom of expresson
request you all to please join hands with us for the protection of
universally guaranteed right by putting an end to the ANP's intrusion
in journalists' affairs. Otherwise the media even in the big urban
centers and other districts could also face the same situation we are
exposed to right now.
And if the growing trend of interference in the affairs of press clubs
and regional media remained unchecked the same way, the freedom of
press would be devised, defined and determined by the ruling parties
undemocratically outside the parliament.
Abbottabad Journalist Community