MANSEHRA: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) on Tuesday extended invitation to all religio-political parties to join hands with it for creation of Hazara province through peaceful means.“We can’t join the PML-Q in its drive for a separate province. In fact, the PML-Q leaders have launched an anti-PML-N campaign in the name of public movement for Hazara province and this will not be tolerated at any cost,” Lt Gen (R) Salahuddin Tirmizi told a press conference here.District leaders of the party Aslam Khan Baffa, Pervez Khan, Saeed Khan, Ashiq Raza Swati, Khalid Latif and others were also present on the occasion. Lt Gen (R) Tirmizi, who narrowly lost the election for a National Assembly seat from Mansehra in 2008, said that Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and his party were involved in killing of innocent people while campaigning against renaming of NWFP. “Now they are putting all the blame on the PML-N. The PML-Q leaders are trying to take revenge from PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif for expelling them from the party,” the PML-N leader said. Tirmizi said if need be the PML-N would not hesitate to launch a civil disobedi-ence movement for creation of a separate province in Hazara. “We think it is a just demand of the people of Hazara and the federal government should pay heed to it,” he argued. “Nawaz Sharif will create Hazara province after coming into power but some desperate politicians are deceiving people for their vested interests,” Tirmizi said.The PML-N was a true follower of Quaid-i-Azam, he said, and believed in peaceful democratic struggle. “We are not against Pakhtuns. But we will not allow those bent upon disintegrating the country at the behest of America,” he stressed. “The name of Frontier province was changed through constitutional means and we would also follow the Constitution to get a separate province for the people of Hazara,” the retired general pledged.
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» PML-N vows peaceful struggle for Hazara province
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