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Pukhtoonistan (Pukhtoonkhua) or divided Pakistan ?

Written By Umair Ali Sarwar on Friday, April 9, 2010 | Friday, April 09, 2010

Pukhtoonistan (Pukhtoonkhua) or divided Pakistan ? By : AA
Asslam-o-alaikum friends,
I came across with few articles on Taliban and ANP’s role today in NWFP and FATA. Evey one has their own point of view, and own imagination why , from where this insurgency came from. Motives behind to change the name of NWFP, surrendering for Taliban by signing Nizam-e-Adl, Maula Fazl ur rehman’s activities, IDPs issue and ANP’s whining over their presence in Sindh.
I don’t believe or imagine things, what i know is there are some efforts to divide Pakistan into four parts with Baluchistan and NWFP with Afghanistan, Punjab and Sindh independent States, why and who are these people, only god knows, but USA is playing it’s major role in it for sure with India’s logistic help who is operating from Afghanistan.
I saw one leaflet which was distributed in NWFP and few parts of Baluchistan with a picture of Bannu district in which someone is trying to say that if they live together (In Pakistan), they’ll be eliminated, if they want to survive and if they want their culture to be alive, they should support Greater Pukhtoonkhua (In other words Greater Afghanistan).
Now the question arise, ANP has it’s government in NWFP, with Federal Government of PPPP, if such activity was performed on such a larger scale (means an individual like me who is sitting in Karachi can observe this) why and how our government (PPPP and ANP) knows nothing about it ? If i am not mistaken, you can publish your adds on road side hoardings without prior permission of District government, then how this adv. was on air ?
These are the questions which every Pakistani should look into, and think who is digging the roots of Pakistan.